At present, the efforts of the AO "NPP "Topaz" specialists are aimed for further development and updating of software and hardware of system "Topaz-M" with the intent of implementing the following tasks:
- changing over to the state-of-the-art and safer software functioning media;
- improving accuracy of technical condition diagnostics for aircraft systems and units;
- forecasting future technical condition of aircraft systems and units on the basis of the trend analysis of flight data;
- enhancing statistical processing of data on current technical condition of aircraft and level of training of flying personnel;
- creating the "Topaz-M"-based distributed aircraft flight data processing system to provide for information support of the using organizations day-to-day activities.
Solution of the above tasks will make it possible to change over to the maintenance of aircraft equipment as per its technical condition, considerably reduce the operating costs, and improve its reliability and safety of flights.
Today, AO "NPP "Topaz" is a high tech enterprise capable of successfully solving complicated tasks on behalf of domestic and foreign customers.